Ok, I'm walking down the street and see a penny lying in my path, I stop pick it up and put it in my pocket. The person walking with me is dumb founded exclaiming "I can't believe you stopped to pick up a penny". My reply is I can't believe your to lazy and out of shape to bend over and pick something up.
So the question for the day is; Would you? If not for a penny what is the lowest denomination of change you would stop for?
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
This is why we ride
Hopefully my last post about my experiences in the Heart Hospital for a while.
After riding to the hospital from Vermillion on Saturday, I quickly hit my Dad's motel room for a much needed shower. I threw on some street cloths, the shirt I happened to grab was my MS 150 T-shirt from last year. I headed up to see my Mom and reached the elevator doors about the same time a lady was rolling up to them in her wheel chair. I held the doors for her well she boarded the elevator. Once aboard I noticed her checking me out. Yeah, I know I'm a handsome fella but she wasn't actually checking me out but my T-shirt. She asked me if I had ridden the MS ride before and I told her I was looking forward to my 4th year of riding it next weekend. She gave me a smile and said "Thank-you for everything you have done for me."
That is why I ride.
After riding to the hospital from Vermillion on Saturday, I quickly hit my Dad's motel room for a much needed shower. I threw on some street cloths, the shirt I happened to grab was my MS 150 T-shirt from last year. I headed up to see my Mom and reached the elevator doors about the same time a lady was rolling up to them in her wheel chair. I held the doors for her well she boarded the elevator. Once aboard I noticed her checking me out. Yeah, I know I'm a handsome fella but she wasn't actually checking me out but my T-shirt. She asked me if I had ridden the MS ride before and I told her I was looking forward to my 4th year of riding it next weekend. She gave me a smile and said "Thank-you for everything you have done for me."
That is why I ride.
Sunday, July 27, 2008
If you could have any one — and only one — bike in the world, what would it be?
It would be custom built, made just for me by some little bike geek in Italy. It would cost around $15,000.00 dollars and would have a nitro option for beating Biking Brady up hills.
Do you already have that coveted dream bike? If so, is it everything you hoped it would be? If not, are you working toward getting it? If you’re not working toward getting it, why not?
I'm dreaming about it, and that's about as close as I will get.
If you had to choose one — and only one — bike route to do every day for the rest of your life, what would it be, and why?
Meckling Loop, I'm a simple man with simple pleasures. It's close to home, it's a perfect distance (30 miles) and I usually ride it with great company.
Do you ride both road and mountain bikes? If both, which do you prefer and why? If only one or the other, why are you so narrow-minded?
Both, I prefer road, no real reason, just like the feel of the open road, with no distance or time limits.
Have you ever ridden a recumbent? If so, why? If not, describe the circumstances under which you would ride a recumbent.
No, Never had the chance, I would jump on the first one available, I will try anything once.
Have you ever raced a triathlon?
Suppose you were forced to either give up ice cream or bicycles for the rest of your life. Which would you give up, and why?
No question here, ice cream is gone. I like it but would never give up my bike for one food.
What is a question you think this questionnaire should have asked, but has not? Also, answer it.
Why is tagging someone legal? Because there is not such thing as Blogger Police.
What is my favorite thing about cycling?
Now, tag three biking bloggers. List them below.
If anybody else wants to play...consider yourself tagged as well.
It would be custom built, made just for me by some little bike geek in Italy. It would cost around $15,000.00 dollars and would have a nitro option for beating Biking Brady up hills.
Do you already have that coveted dream bike? If so, is it everything you hoped it would be? If not, are you working toward getting it? If you’re not working toward getting it, why not?
I'm dreaming about it, and that's about as close as I will get.
If you had to choose one — and only one — bike route to do every day for the rest of your life, what would it be, and why?
Meckling Loop, I'm a simple man with simple pleasures. It's close to home, it's a perfect distance (30 miles) and I usually ride it with great company.
Do you ride both road and mountain bikes? If both, which do you prefer and why? If only one or the other, why are you so narrow-minded?
Both, I prefer road, no real reason, just like the feel of the open road, with no distance or time limits.
Have you ever ridden a recumbent? If so, why? If not, describe the circumstances under which you would ride a recumbent.
No, Never had the chance, I would jump on the first one available, I will try anything once.
Have you ever raced a triathlon?
Suppose you were forced to either give up ice cream or bicycles for the rest of your life. Which would you give up, and why?
No question here, ice cream is gone. I like it but would never give up my bike for one food.
What is a question you think this questionnaire should have asked, but has not? Also, answer it.
Why is tagging someone legal? Because there is not such thing as Blogger Police.
What is my favorite thing about cycling?
Now, tag three biking bloggers. List them below.
If anybody else wants to play...consider yourself tagged as well.
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Blogging from the Heart Hospital
This post is being brought to you courtesy of the public Internet terminal at the Heart Hospital.
I took off this morning for my ride up to Sioux Falls to spend the weekend at the hospital with my Mom, who by the way is doing EXCELLENT. I met up with Biking Brady and Cindy L. who were on there way to the Tri-County Tour ride. This worked out great as I had some company for the first 25 miles or so. It was a nice morning for a ride, but as we headed out we noticed a few rain/storm clouds brewing. After I split from my two fellow rollers, I picked up my speed to try to get ahead of the rain clouds, it didn't work. I rode in a steady rain for a little over an hour. When I got to Lennox I stopped to ring out my socks and gloves as the rain had pretty much stopped. I rolled out of Lennox and about 4 miles out of town I flatted. I quickly fixed my flat and continued on. The rest of the ride was uneventful until I was a 1/2 mile from the hospital when guess what, I flatted again. When I fixed the first flat I had noticed a pretty good gash in the sidewall, but since I only had a tube with me I didn't have much of a choice but to cross my fingers and soldier on. Tomorrow I will be putting on a whole new tire, I'm glad it held up as far as it did. I'm pretty happy about the ride even with the 2 flats and getting soaked, 59 miles at a 16.8 mph average.
I took off this morning for my ride up to Sioux Falls to spend the weekend at the hospital with my Mom, who by the way is doing EXCELLENT. I met up with Biking Brady and Cindy L. who were on there way to the Tri-County Tour ride. This worked out great as I had some company for the first 25 miles or so. It was a nice morning for a ride, but as we headed out we noticed a few rain/storm clouds brewing. After I split from my two fellow rollers, I picked up my speed to try to get ahead of the rain clouds, it didn't work. I rode in a steady rain for a little over an hour. When I got to Lennox I stopped to ring out my socks and gloves as the rain had pretty much stopped. I rolled out of Lennox and about 4 miles out of town I flatted. I quickly fixed my flat and continued on. The rest of the ride was uneventful until I was a 1/2 mile from the hospital when guess what, I flatted again. When I fixed the first flat I had noticed a pretty good gash in the sidewall, but since I only had a tube with me I didn't have much of a choice but to cross my fingers and soldier on. Tomorrow I will be putting on a whole new tire, I'm glad it held up as far as it did. I'm pretty happy about the ride even with the 2 flats and getting soaked, 59 miles at a 16.8 mph average.
Friday, July 25, 2008
Bike Therapy
I'm happy to report to my 5 or so readers my Mom is doing great. Considering I was sitting in a private room with a Chaplin Wed. afternoon and the surgeon said she might not wake up, she is now walking up and down the halls of the Heart Hospital. The staff at that place is amazing, I have never experienced a hospital with that level caring and skill. Now that I'm confident my Mom is out of the woods I need to release a bit of pent up stress from the last couple of days. I think a RIDE is in order. The plan is to meet up with Biking Brady and Cindy L. about 6:30 tomorrow morning, they are riding to a group ride by Beresford. I will then continue on to Sioux Falls to spend the weekend at the hospital with my Mom. If any Sioux Falls bloggers read this I will be approching Sioux Falls via Lennox then onto Tea and would welcome any rollers along the way. Hopefully a good 60 mile ride will help me put my emotions and stress back in check after this rough couple of days.
Thursday, July 24, 2008
To Tired and Wired to Sleep
Have you ever been to tired and to wired to sleep, I'm there. Out of the past 48 hours I've been up 45 hours. My Mom looks like she is going to be OK, but there are big reasons I've been up this long and I'm not prepared to discuss them on this forum now, if ever. Thank-you to Mr. and Mrs. Biking Brady to for listening to me ramble when I really need someone to talk to, you are true friends.
P.S. Dudes and Dudettees,
By the looks of things I might not get many miles in between now and the MS 150 so be kind and when you pass me give me a push!
P.S. Dudes and Dudettees,
By the looks of things I might not get many miles in between now and the MS 150 so be kind and when you pass me give me a push!
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Busy Saturday and Week to Come
Saturday was a great but busy day. It started out by meeting Mr & Mrs Biking Brady for a ride at 7:30 A.M. It was a nice morning with little wind and mild temps the only problem was the humidity, it was about 90 to 95%. We took off on our intended 50 or so mile route right on time and met a couple of other rollers (Kathy R and Dave H) in Elk Point. It was a nice ride and good company, although with the humidity a bit damp and sweaty. By the way if Mr & Mrs Biking Brady advertise a 14 to 16 mph ride plan on 17 to 19 mph ride. Not a problem, but they are getting scary good on that tandem. Look out for them on Gut-Check next year! After 54.5 miles I arrived back home just in time to cool down nicely, shower and join the family for lunch.
After a post lunch nap, the Mrs was off to a wedding and the kiddos and I were on our own for the afternoon. 1st plan of action was KILL GOPHERS, the little buggers are really making a mess out of our yard. We made a trip to Campbell's Supply and picked up a live trap and poison grain. I know not very nice but this is war damn it. After making our yard a glowing toxic waste dump we set the live trap in the middle of the garden with a carrot for bait. At 8:00 P.M. this evening we had our first gopher in the live trap. I won't go into details but I don't believe in catch and release when it comes to gophers.
After the gopher quest I moved onto some bike maintenance/upgrades. I removed all the wrap from the bars and put some gel inserts on the bars and then some gel wrap over the gel inserts. No I'm not wrapping the bars in pillows but trying to make things a bit more comfortable on my hands. Last year on Gut-Check I did some damage to my left hand/nerves and OK I'll be honest its still not good. I have use of my pinky finger but if I ride anything over 30 miles I still loose all feeling and use of that finger for several hours. Even taking a month off the bike has not given it back. Any ways I don't know if it will help but I have some of the softest bars available right now and it looks much better that the pipe insulation I had taped on it before.
The up coming week will be a bit of a stressful week. I have a very busy Monday and Tuesday at work and to top it all off I have to be at the Heart Hospital Wed. at 5:00 A.M. for my Mom's heart valve replacement surgery. This is going to be a difficult day and I'm dreading every minute of it. I know these people know what they are doing, but damn it, its my MOM. Nuff said except I would appreciate any prayers or positive thoughts anyone wants to throw her way that day.
After a post lunch nap, the Mrs was off to a wedding and the kiddos and I were on our own for the afternoon. 1st plan of action was KILL GOPHERS, the little buggers are really making a mess out of our yard. We made a trip to Campbell's Supply and picked up a live trap and poison grain. I know not very nice but this is war damn it. After making our yard a glowing toxic waste dump we set the live trap in the middle of the garden with a carrot for bait. At 8:00 P.M. this evening we had our first gopher in the live trap. I won't go into details but I don't believe in catch and release when it comes to gophers.
After the gopher quest I moved onto some bike maintenance/upgrades. I removed all the wrap from the bars and put some gel inserts on the bars and then some gel wrap over the gel inserts. No I'm not wrapping the bars in pillows but trying to make things a bit more comfortable on my hands. Last year on Gut-Check I did some damage to my left hand/nerves and OK I'll be honest its still not good. I have use of my pinky finger but if I ride anything over 30 miles I still loose all feeling and use of that finger for several hours. Even taking a month off the bike has not given it back. Any ways I don't know if it will help but I have some of the softest bars available right now and it looks much better that the pipe insulation I had taped on it before.
The up coming week will be a bit of a stressful week. I have a very busy Monday and Tuesday at work and to top it all off I have to be at the Heart Hospital Wed. at 5:00 A.M. for my Mom's heart valve replacement surgery. This is going to be a difficult day and I'm dreading every minute of it. I know these people know what they are doing, but damn it, its my MOM. Nuff said except I would appreciate any prayers or positive thoughts anyone wants to throw her way that day.
Friday, July 18, 2008
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Words of Wisdom
Never start a plumbing project at 6:00 P.M. on a Sunday evening, instead go on a 20 to 30 mile ride with friends (I turned them down for plumbing).
All plumbing supply/hardware stores are closed after 6:00 P.M. in Vermillion.
Washing dishes in the bath-tub sucks. Ok, the Mrs. didn't use the tub but the laundry room sink isn't much better.
Always have a full 1/2 gallon of some sort of whiskey available to celebrate failed projects(screwed this up to).
So, I've now screwed up 2 rides as I will be fixing tomorrow, after work, instead of riding.
All plumbing supply/hardware stores are closed after 6:00 P.M. in Vermillion.
Washing dishes in the bath-tub sucks. Ok, the Mrs. didn't use the tub but the laundry room sink isn't much better.
Always have a full 1/2 gallon of some sort of whiskey available to celebrate failed projects(screwed this up to).
So, I've now screwed up 2 rides as I will be fixing tomorrow, after work, instead of riding.
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Flying through Rapid City
In my last post I described my Indy driving through Rapid City to get my daughter to the ER and I realized I forgot to mention something that caught my eye even though I was in total panic mode. It looked something like this.
The one I saw actually looked even more like two complete frames welded on top of one another complete with the 2nd set of bars. I'm thinking it might not be the best set up to ride in high cross winds.

Sunday, July 6, 2008
Fireworks, Weddings & Stitches
I hope everyone had a great 4th of July here is my recap of the weekend.
We left Vermillion Thursday about 2:30 P.M. to head out to Rapid City for my brother in laws wedding. We made our way to my parents farm about 125 miles from Vermillion, there we stopped had dinner and spent the evening with my parents. We had picked up some fireworks which we had a good time blowing up Thursday evening.
We loaded up Friday morning and were on the road by 7:30 A.M. We took time to do the Bad Lands loop along the way to the Hills. We stopped and did a little hiking and site seeing in the Bad Lands, the kids really enjoyed it and the weather was great.
We continued on to Rapid where we had rooms at the Ramkota (can you say water park). We checked in and soon found out the air conditioner in our room was pretty much crap. We tried it on low, we tired it on high, we called maintenance. Needless to say the maintenance crew at the Ramkota has an 8th grade education, combined. They made two trips out and said "Oh it should be fine it's just a little froze up, just run it on low". After the 2nd maintenance moron said that I took matters into my own hands and yanked out the clogged air filter and threw it to the side. It ran better, not good, but at least we weren't sweating. The next day I went to the front desk and told them, new room, new air conditioner or a free stay. We finally ended up with a new room.
Any way from Friday night until Sunday about 10:30A.M. or so was filled with wedding festivities. It was fun but busy, as Mr. T and Ms. K were ring bearer and flower girl, and the Mrs had to sing in the ceremony so we got to partake of all the picture fun, rehearsal and so on. We had a great time and the whole wedding portion of the weekend was really fun. I'm fortunate, as I really enjoy spending time with my in-laws and extended family.
Before we made the 6 hour trip back to Vermillion we decided to try to take in one quick site seeing trip in the Hills. We collectively decided to head to the Black Hills cavern (cave), this is where the weekend got really exciting.
We started our tour of the cave, it was nice, a small tour group, a cool (temp wise) cave on a hot day, what could go wrong. A little over 1/2 way through the tour after we had just passed a sign saying "You are now 50 feet underground" Ms K. took a header down a steep flight of steps. It was dark and slippery, she was excited to be in the cave and also a bit tired from the busy weekend, were not sure exactly what happened but anyway she went down HARD. The Mrs. was the first to her, Ms. K popped right back up a little shook but talking and walking, we thought a simple spill, like I said it was DARK. The Mrs. picked up Ms K. and kept walking asking her where it hurt. Ms. K responded my head, at this point I asked the guide for his flashlight and was going to give the princess a once over. It didn't take long as blood was now gushing down the side of her precious face. I told the guide get us out of here the quickest way possible. He abandoned the rest of the tour group, yelling at them to stay put and we were on our way to the surface. The Mrs in the lead carrying Ms K and me and Mr. T trailing. After a couple flights of steps the Mrs realized caring a 45 to 50 lbs 6 year old out of a cave was not going to be easy and handed her to me. The race was on. If you ever want a good workout walk 50 feet or so underground and watch one of the most important people in your life get hurt. We reached the surface and finally got to get a good look at her injury, it was about a 2 inch cut in her forehead, down to the bone.
I applied pressure while the Mrs and Mr. T went for the car, while applying pressure the cave personal gave me directions to the hospital. We did the switch at this point the Mrs in back with the wounded and me driving with Mr. T. on the lookout for the blue hospital signs. Anyone who wants to doubt how fast a Prius can roll should have been a witness to the next part of this saga. I was running 80 to 90 mph on the straight a ways and 75 in the 35 mph zones. I ran every stop light. Why the hurry you say for just a 2 inch cut in the head. When we got in the car and were no more than 3 miles down the rode and she passed out for the first time, we got her woke, then she threw up. At one point I tossed my phone to Mr. T and told him to dial 911, Ms K heard this and screamed "I don't want to go in an ambulance". She passed out a 2nd time, we were all REALLY, REALLY scared.
We finally got to the hospital where they took her vitals and checked her out, the passing out and vomit were due to her going into a mild shock. She ended up with 3 to 4 internal stitches, I'm not sure of that amount as I had to sit down a bit myself because at that point I was about to pass out, and 7 external stitches.
She will be Ok, THANK GOD. There is NOTHING worse than seeing one of your children hurt. I'm still shook and I know the Mrs is as well.
Hopefully anyone reading this had a calmer end to the weekend than we did.
We left Vermillion Thursday about 2:30 P.M. to head out to Rapid City for my brother in laws wedding. We made our way to my parents farm about 125 miles from Vermillion, there we stopped had dinner and spent the evening with my parents. We had picked up some fireworks which we had a good time blowing up Thursday evening.
We loaded up Friday morning and were on the road by 7:30 A.M. We took time to do the Bad Lands loop along the way to the Hills. We stopped and did a little hiking and site seeing in the Bad Lands, the kids really enjoyed it and the weather was great.
We continued on to Rapid where we had rooms at the Ramkota (can you say water park). We checked in and soon found out the air conditioner in our room was pretty much crap. We tried it on low, we tired it on high, we called maintenance. Needless to say the maintenance crew at the Ramkota has an 8th grade education, combined. They made two trips out and said "Oh it should be fine it's just a little froze up, just run it on low". After the 2nd maintenance moron said that I took matters into my own hands and yanked out the clogged air filter and threw it to the side. It ran better, not good, but at least we weren't sweating. The next day I went to the front desk and told them, new room, new air conditioner or a free stay. We finally ended up with a new room.
Any way from Friday night until Sunday about 10:30A.M. or so was filled with wedding festivities. It was fun but busy, as Mr. T and Ms. K were ring bearer and flower girl, and the Mrs had to sing in the ceremony so we got to partake of all the picture fun, rehearsal and so on. We had a great time and the whole wedding portion of the weekend was really fun. I'm fortunate, as I really enjoy spending time with my in-laws and extended family.
Before we made the 6 hour trip back to Vermillion we decided to try to take in one quick site seeing trip in the Hills. We collectively decided to head to the Black Hills cavern (cave), this is where the weekend got really exciting.
We started our tour of the cave, it was nice, a small tour group, a cool (temp wise) cave on a hot day, what could go wrong. A little over 1/2 way through the tour after we had just passed a sign saying "You are now 50 feet underground" Ms K. took a header down a steep flight of steps. It was dark and slippery, she was excited to be in the cave and also a bit tired from the busy weekend, were not sure exactly what happened but anyway she went down HARD. The Mrs. was the first to her, Ms. K popped right back up a little shook but talking and walking, we thought a simple spill, like I said it was DARK. The Mrs. picked up Ms K. and kept walking asking her where it hurt. Ms. K responded my head, at this point I asked the guide for his flashlight and was going to give the princess a once over. It didn't take long as blood was now gushing down the side of her precious face. I told the guide get us out of here the quickest way possible. He abandoned the rest of the tour group, yelling at them to stay put and we were on our way to the surface. The Mrs in the lead carrying Ms K and me and Mr. T trailing. After a couple flights of steps the Mrs realized caring a 45 to 50 lbs 6 year old out of a cave was not going to be easy and handed her to me. The race was on. If you ever want a good workout walk 50 feet or so underground and watch one of the most important people in your life get hurt. We reached the surface and finally got to get a good look at her injury, it was about a 2 inch cut in her forehead, down to the bone.
I applied pressure while the Mrs and Mr. T went for the car, while applying pressure the cave personal gave me directions to the hospital. We did the switch at this point the Mrs in back with the wounded and me driving with Mr. T. on the lookout for the blue hospital signs. Anyone who wants to doubt how fast a Prius can roll should have been a witness to the next part of this saga. I was running 80 to 90 mph on the straight a ways and 75 in the 35 mph zones. I ran every stop light. Why the hurry you say for just a 2 inch cut in the head. When we got in the car and were no more than 3 miles down the rode and she passed out for the first time, we got her woke, then she threw up. At one point I tossed my phone to Mr. T and told him to dial 911, Ms K heard this and screamed "I don't want to go in an ambulance". She passed out a 2nd time, we were all REALLY, REALLY scared.
We finally got to the hospital where they took her vitals and checked her out, the passing out and vomit were due to her going into a mild shock. She ended up with 3 to 4 internal stitches, I'm not sure of that amount as I had to sit down a bit myself because at that point I was about to pass out, and 7 external stitches.
She will be Ok, THANK GOD. There is NOTHING worse than seeing one of your children hurt. I'm still shook and I know the Mrs is as well.
Hopefully anyone reading this had a calmer end to the weekend than we did.
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Traffic Control
Warning - not just for Texans but anybody planning on a visit ! Zero tolerance speed camera With the Texas highway death toll continuing to increase, this will be the first year that Zero Tolerance Speed Cameras will be used. The new cameras look different from the normal cameras. I have included a photo so that you are familiar with them. Make sure you do not speed when approaching one Please take this warning seriously as you will not get a second chance.

Have a Happy 4th of July!!!

Have a Happy 4th of July!!!
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Positive Thinking
Everyone seems to like complaining about the current price of gas, well here are 10 positive things that come from $4.00 gas. Whining and complaining isn't going to help, not using it will.
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Well Tuned Ride
Ok, so I haven't had much of a chance to get out on my "new" bike. Had big plans for lots of miles last weekend when mother nature decided to throw a small hurricane at us. Finally got out for an easy 30 miles last night. There is nothing better than riding on a smooth road, on a still evening, on a well tuned up bike. My ride was so quiet and smooth I could hardly even tell I was on a bike, had one of those no chain kinda rides.
I have a pretty busy couple days ahead the rest of this week as tonight I have volunteered to fill in a coaching position at Mr. T's baseball game. Hopefully I can get a ride in on Wed. evening and then Thurs. its off the the Black Hills. No, I won't be riding the Big Mick, instead I will be attending my brother-in-laws wedding. Yeah ,I know its a wedding, but I'm looking forward to the trip and it should be a lot of fun.
I have a pretty busy couple days ahead the rest of this week as tonight I have volunteered to fill in a coaching position at Mr. T's baseball game. Hopefully I can get a ride in on Wed. evening and then Thurs. its off the the Black Hills. No, I won't be riding the Big Mick, instead I will be attending my brother-in-laws wedding. Yeah ,I know its a wedding, but I'm looking forward to the trip and it should be a lot of fun.
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